Egyptian New Year
The first is from Thoth (Tut) from the year 6262
It is the date of the introduction of the solar calendar for the first time in Egypt.
Corresponding to Friday, September 11, 2020 AD.
6262 years ago, the work of the lunar calendar, which the Egyptians discovered after they finished relying on the royal annals in the calendar (the years of the reign of kings), ended and the solar calendar began to work after many studies reported the link between the agricultural cycle and the stars, the most important of which is the sun, of course.
The Egyptian New Year is the most important holiday in Egypt, Day 1 of Tut is the date of the completion of the flood (Nai-Jara) of the Nile River, the lifeblood of the Egyptians, and it is the first day of the new agricultural year ....
Also 1 of Tut is the day of the appearance of Cereso (later known as the right-wing Sirius) ....
As for the sources and texts that confirm this, they are included in the pictures as follows:
First: Astronomical map of the Ramesseum Temple in Luxor.
Second: the zodiac astrological circle in the temple of Hathor (Hator) in the Louvre Museum.
Thus, the Egyptians discovered the most accurate and oldest solar calendar known to mankind and were the first to discover the lunar calendar as well, and it remained applicable to the solar calendar in Rome and Europe, until the reign of Pope Gregory III who modified it and introduced the Gregorian calendar.
The Egyptians discovered that the solar calendar, which is the rotation of the earth around the sun, takes place in 365 days, five hours, and a few minutes (the concept of a quarter day). Scientists have agreed to add a day every 4 years (the well-known concept of a leap year), which is in force until now in the Gregorian year.
The year was divided into 12 months:
Tut - Babah - Hatour - Kahik - Tuba - Amshir - Baramhat - Bermouda - Bashans - Buona - Abib - Misri.
As for the celebrations, they were majestic and worked to spread the spirit of love and peace among the Egyptian community, as the Egyptian was keen on this day to settle any disputes amicably, and he was keen on the beginning of the New Year without quarrels and disputes, so the disputants were racing which one would start with reconciliation ......
Good is stronger than evil, and love drives away hostility.
(The Exodus to the Day Book)
And there was another phenomenon, which was the marriage contract and the celebration of marriage on New Year's Day, to increase the joy and celebration ...
As for foods, of course cake is a main meal, and grape juice is also.